We encourage residents to voice their support to the elected/employed officials (see email lists below) and participate in our/your government. Local politics is a participatory process. A simple email saying you support this project and other greenway efforts in town, is helpful.

Better yet, consider running for Town Meeting or other elected positions! Contact us and we’ll give you details on how to do this process.

Town Official Contact info:


After a long process of researching jurisdiction of the rail corridor, the Town came to the conclusion that the School Committee does in fact have jurisdiction over certain portions of the corridor.  It is therefore very important that the members of the committee, in addition to the superintendent hear support for this project.

Superintendent Michael Welch:  mwelch@dedham.k12.ma.us                                                    

Mayanne MacDonald Briggs:  mayanne.briggs@gmail.com

Cailin McCormich: McCormick.DSC@gmail.com                                          

Victor Hebert:  victor.c.hebert@gmail.com 

Joshua Donati:  donati303@gmail.com

Christopher Polito:  ChrisPolitoSC@gmail.com                                                   

Melissa Pearrow: melissapearrow@gmail.com

Tracey White:  traceyaswhite@gmail.com

Board of Selectmen

Under the Dedham Home Rule Charter, the Board of Selectmen serves as the chief policy making agency of the Town of Dedham. Email all of the Selectmen at once using the email: freshideas@dedham-ma.gov

Or contact them individually:

Kevin Coughlin:  kcoughlin@dedham-ma.gov

Dimitria Sullivan: dsullivan1@dedham-ma.gov

James A. McDonald:  jmacdonald@dedham-ma.gov

Dennis J. Teehan, Jr.dteehan@dedham-ma.gov

Sarah MacDonald: smcdonald@dedham-ma.gov

Parks and Recreation Commission

The Dedham Parks and Recreation Commission is a five member elected board whose function is to oversee, when necessary, any program or function that comes under the jurisdiction granted by the Town Charter, of the Park and Recreation Department.  The proposed rail trail sits on land largely under Parks and Recreation's jurisdiction so it is critical to let them know there is wide support for this project.

Jonathan Briggs: jjb62@comcast.net

Alix O’Connell: oconnell.alix@gmail.com

Chuck DelloIaconno: mrdello@comcast.net

Lisa Moran: bjmoran@aol.com

Lisa Farnham: lenslept@aol.com

Town Manager

The Town Manager serves as the chief administrative officer of the town, and is directly responsible to the Board of Selectmen for the administration of all town affairs for which the office of the Administrator is given responsibility by the Dedham Home Rule Charter.

Leon Goodwin, Town Manager: lgoodwin@dedham-ma.gov

Nancy A. Baker, Assistant Town Manager: nbaker@dedham-ma.gov

Town Planner

The Planning Zoning Office is responsible for issues pertaining to planning, land use, or zoning including zoning variances, special permits, administrative appeals, rezonings, site plan review and major development projects, parking plans, and other projects.

Jeremy Rosenberger: jrosenberger@dedham-ma.gov

State Government

Paul McMurtry, MA State Representative: paul.mcmurtry@mahouse.gov